What you say, followed by what you do is what you really believe in your heart!
Good morning sir!
Welcome to day 10! How in the world do we keep our heart in sync with His? This is our cry from our heart but this is also His eternal purpose in His heart! Join me in prayer: “Lord, Thank You for wanting me! Even when I was dead in my sins, You longed for me. And when You found me you didn’t scold me but took me up in Your everlasting arms. Thank You for giving up Yourself for me! Amen!”
Jesus likens Himself to a farmer. ‘The Sower went out to sow.’ The seed falls onto different soils. The soil represents our hearts. Hard hearts. Stony hearts. Weeds in the hearts. And honest and good hearts! (Matthew 13, Mark 4, Luke 8) Which one am I? I wish I could stay the good soil, but I have to say, I am all of them. Because I can be the good soil in the morning but by noon I can be the hard heart.
Our hearts must be guarded. God wants our heart to be soft. A soft heart is where He can plant His Word and His Word can freely grow. In His heart is a love story which includes you as His object of love! And when His heart story, intermingles with your heart, a romance begins! And this is His everlasting adventure with you!
Lord, take away my heart of stone and give me a heart of flesh, (Ezekiel 36:26). That is a soft heart, not hardened by the culture around me, nor a heart that is self-seeking but a heart of yielding to You over and over and over! Amen!