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The passiveness of Adam, while his wife was being tempted by Satan was bad.  But not as bad as ……… 

Good morning sir!  

Welcome to day five!  I hope you’re being encouraged as you read these short devotions!  Pray with me: “Lord, I’m here to hear from You!  Feed me Lord, with Your daily bread!  Nourish my Spirit with Your Spirit.  You are My Peace and My life!  Amen!

Men, we all have this problem.  If we’ve walked with Christ for decades, it might be greatly diminished but for most of us, it’s a problem that is so prevalent we hardly even notice it.  

Do you remember what Adam said in response to God’s question: ‘Have you eaten from the tree from which I commanded you not to eat?”  (Genesis 3:11)  I’m sure you’ve already guessed it.

Yes, he blamed everyone he could think of, except himself for what he did.  “The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate.”  verse 12

Taking responsibility for our sin, for our behavior, for our actions is the key to overcoming strongholds in our lives.  Lies love darkness.  Confession brings light and ‘walking in the light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin!’  1 John 1:7

“Lord, bring to my mind my sinful actions so I can confess them and bring them into the light.  I trust Your blood to cleanse me and I desire to have true fellowship with You and with all other followers of Jesus!  Amen!”