Can you think of another insight from the colander?

Good morning sir!

Welcome to day 8!  I’m proud of you for walking out this commitment to grow in Christ!  Join me in prayer for this day: “Lord, You are Spirit!  You are Life!  You are Love!  You are Truth!  I submerge all of me into You!  Let Your ‘living water’ flow out of me today!  Amen!

I remember a Bible teacher saying once: God is easy to please, but hard to satisfy.  Why do you think that is?  My hunch is that almost anyone can exercise faith in Him and that pleases Him.  But only He knows the complete blueprint of His design for you!  And this is His upward call on you in Christ Jesus!  (Philippians 3:14) And when you fulfill this call, you will be reflecting Christ and manifesting Jesus every moment of your life!  I still have a long way to go!  Thankfully, He will never give up.  And our good performance or bad performance can never change His call nor His love towards us!

So sometimes we will feel defeated and we will feel disappointment.  But…..when our life is completely submerged in Christ, and all holes in the colander are open and His divine nature is flowing in and out of us, the Father looks down on our colander, all He sees is our relationship with Christ!  And He is full of joy!  “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God!”  Ephesians 2:8

“Lord, Thank You for not only coming after me, but finding me as a lost sheep and carrying me home!   I thank You for Your grace!  ‘Where my sin abounded, Your grace did much more abound!’ Romans 5:20. It’s Your Love that leads me to repentance! I’m Yours!  Amen!”