Our annual Wild Game Feed
This is the Men’s Event that you won’t want to miss. Paul Louis Cole, of Christian Men’s Network, will be sharing with us about our need for courage, conviction, and character to become the stronger men our families and our communities need us to be in these tough times (Click on the video below to listen to Dr. Paul Cole’s invite). This event is for Men of all ages; bring your sons, bring your friends. It’s a ‘Potluck Style’ event and everyone who can brings a dish to share. Bring your favorite wild game or another favorite dish to share. And pies...! If you like to bake or your wife likes to bake, please bring pies, as well. The event starts at 6:30PM and runs to 8:30PM on Saturday December 2nd, 2023, at Crossroads Christian Fellowship in Bigfork. (There is no charge for this event)
There will be plenty of great prizes (click below to see the list)