The Vision

A vibrant crew of disciples fruitful to biblical living and sharing Christ’s irresistible love

Wednesday nights

High School: Grades 9-12

Crossroads High School Youth Group meets every Wednesday from 6:00-8:00 P.M., at Crossroads!

Our desire is to create a High School youth ministry that is exciting and available to all youth in the Bigfork area. There are 350 students in the Bigfork High School. There are also a large number of homeschooled teenagers. Our goal is to provide a strong foundation of Christian belief and true relationship with God that these teens can build on for the rest of their lives.

Students in 9th grade through 12th grade are welcome to attend.

C - Christ’s

R - Radically

E - Equipped

W - Warriors

Meets - 2x a month

4:00pm-5:30pm Every other Wednesday

A chance for students to go deeper in their faith, learning how to lead their peers and have a hand in planning youth group.


Student Leadership

Fall 2024 Calendar

Here is the Fall 2024 calendar and breakdown of what we are doing. We hope to see you!!!