• Personal Growth

    As an intern at Crossroads, you’ll receive hands-on training while serving alongside one of our ministry teams. The program seeks to combine biblical teaching, leadership development, personal disciplines, and significant opportunities to exercise your gifts & calling in the context of the local church.

  • Training

    This program will involve classroom learning, individual time with your supervisor, development from other staff members, as well as time for on-the-job ministry training in your area of influence.

  • Experience

    Your supervisor will take intentional time to invest in your spiritual journey as well as provide projects and feedback as you serve in your ministry team.

    As an intern at Crossroads, you'll gain experience that will help you develop vocational and leadership skills for the future.

Internship Program Expectations

September - May commitment. 

• A minimum of 12 hours of investment per week – during  regular office hours (Monday- Thursday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00  p.m., and/or Sunday mornings). Hours may vary based on  events. 

• Attending intern classroom sessions on Thursdays  from 6:30 - 8:00am are included in the total hours. 

• Participate in Crossroads weekend worship gatherings and  occasional opportunities to attend regular church staff  meetings to glean from the larger staff team (Tuesdays at  9:00am). 

• Collaborate in text and email conversations to increase  communication skills. 

• Engage in all scheduled intern activities – reading  material, participating in discussion, attending any trips  etc - in order to get the most benefit from the development  offered. 

• Have your own reliable transportation to and from all  internship functions. 

• Have a growing and active relationship with Jesus Christ.  Commit to living a Christ-like lifestyle as described in  the scriptures. 

• The intern agrees with Crossroads vision, culture, by-laws,  and considers Crossroads their “home” or “home-away-from home” church.

• In regards to communication - The intern is expected to communicate with a joyful attitude, clearly and concisely,  and respond in a timely fashion. 

• This will help them as a communicator to grow in  both engaging and stimulating discussion effectively. 

• The intern will be collaborating with the team using  their skills and knowledge, while participating in the  opportunities for self-improvement. 

• The intern will grow in their punctuality and  dependability, managing his or her time well, and being able  to prioritize tasks in order of importance. 

• Position requires the participant to be between 18 and 26  years old and have a desire to grow in their leadership and  ministry. 

Romans 12:6-8

“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.”